Get Involved

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We are always in need of volunteers! We would be unable to deliver all the excellent programs that we do without our treasured volunteers. We have an excellent volunteer program with a range of emergency relief, administration, packing/unpacking, stall staffing, and administrative support to those who are directly working with community members.

To apply or to find out more about our volunteer program please contact us on
(07) 3808 4529 or via email [email protected]

Welcome to LECNA - Get Involved


Volunteers come from all walks of life and vary in age, gender, culture, experience, and expertise.

New volunteers are always welcome and training will be provided! Contact us today if you would like to work with a dedicated and friendly team and want to:

  • Make a difference
  • Gain work experience
  • Do something you feel is important
Welcome to LECNA - Get Involved


You’ll find that uni students are in high demand for volunteer positions — particularly those who are studying fields like event management or marketing. But, no matter what you’re interested in, there’s bound to be an opportunity to help out in one way or another. We also accept TAFE students.

Welcome to LECNA - Get Involved


Sponsorship is one of the more visible forms of community-business partnership.

It is important to realise that sponsorship is not a handout or a simple donation. Sponsorship requires work and the understanding that both partners have to play a role. There are options such as “top-up for Logan”, you ask your customers to round up to the nearest dollar in their purchase and moneys raised goes to LECNA. You may be a passionate community member who would like to work with us to organise a charity Golf Day or other event.

We would love to hear from you. Please give us a call on (07) 3808 4529.

Welcome to LECNA - Get Involved

Attend and Promote

Have you attended one of our programs/courses or received assistance from us that was helpful?

Please both tell us and share your experiences with others either online or in person.

We’re here for our community

We also offer a volunteer programs, no interest loans and student placements. We host a market day 4 to 5 times a year and provide space for local gatherings and meetings. Everything we do is aimed at helping our community to build better lives for everyone.